目前分類:醫學知識 (23)

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1. 分出血性/神經性.

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1. HES: (201306)

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Woman with RLQ pain

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Woman with acute abdominal pain.

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講題: MRSA的最新治療

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RCC的image character: 


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肝膿瘍併發眼內炎 九成糖尿病患 

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美國韋恩州立大學醫工系及奧克蘭大學生物系兼任教授 潘震澤


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NEJM新一期的teaching vedio介紹orotracheal intubation,很棒!

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Supplement to the New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 356, No. 17

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鱷魚的眼淚 Crocodile tears


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[Brief hisory]

9y/o girl without systemic disease, was admitted due to right post. neck LAP with tenderness noted for 2 weeks. An episode of fever without obvious URI symptoms was noted 4 weeks ago, which lasted for 2 days. No family history of hematologic disease. No body weight loss, no night sweat, no URI symptoms recently and no skin rash. PE found bilateral tonsil enlargement (grade III) without exudate. LAP was limited to right post. neck, with tenderness, but no local heat nor erythema. Lab data showed normal in CBC, BCS. Operation of biopsy was perforemed today, that frozen showed "Kikuchi disease". 

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From AuntMinnie.com:

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s/s of liver cirrhosis

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