Woman with acute abdominal pain.
What's the lesion and what's the diagnosis?
==>Differential Diagnosis:
- Acute omental torsion/infarct
- Acute diverticulitis
- Acute epiploic appendagitis
- Sclerosing mesenteritis
==>Acute epiploic appendigitis:
- Epidemiology: most seen in 4th-5th dacade male
- Clinical symptoms: LLQ pain (sigmoid colon site)
- Pathophysiology:
*epiploic appendage (especiallt sigmoid area, which has larger appendage) ischemia.
*2 arterial supply and only 1 venous drainage. Venous occlusion is most seen.
*torsion of appendage stalk-->compromise of vascular supply-->ischemia of fatty tissue
*local pain or peritoneal sign (induce peritonitis)
- Diagnosis:
*CT showed pericolic oval-shaped pedunculated mass, 1-4 cm in diameter,
with fat attenuation (approximately 60 HU).
*Echo showed a hyperechoic ovoid mass with hypoechoic margin
- Tx: Abx use